Era: 1970s
Glow-in-the-Dark?: No
Place of Origin: Classroom Halloween party
Rib Count: 18
Celebrity Look-alike: John Voight

Handstands were his favorite, but different moves on my part yielded different results from him. Then when I discovered I could release one or both of his hands the possibilities blew wide open. It was like a living video game and I had the remainder of the school year to master it.
Additional Info: Also useful as a pencil topper.
Cause of Death: Performing without a net.
Rating: 7.9
This one is great! I just watched the Nightmare Before Christmas with my kids.. this guy would have fit right into cute/creepy Halloweentown!
All of the exercise you put him through sure paid off. Check out that washboard stomach!
What a stiff!
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