Since there are gaggles of spook-0-philes reading this month, I figure now is a fine time to unveil a new online archive I've put together that's dedicated solely to the defunct Tulsa dark ride known as Phantasmagoria. Over the past year I've posted several articles related to the haunted attraction here on the Fun Blog that continue to rank among my most popular pages. So I've collected every piece of info that's ever appeared here, reorganized it, and put it on one handy site. It's called
I Rode Phantasmagoria, and
here it is.I used Blogger to assemble it, though it will function more like a traditional web site. I hope that it will serve as the definitive online source of information related to the Phantaz, and I also hope that you enjoy it.
Looking good Kirk!! Can't get enough Phantasmagoria!
This is really great, Kirk!
Looks snazzy and it's nice to have all the info in one place.
Thanks all. I expect each of you to study that site at least once a day. Actually twice.
so sad that its gone - but they are talking about re-opening Bell's in another location! been on this ride so many times I can re-live it completely in my head any time I want, lol. your blog is amazing
I certainly hope it re-opens. I want my son to be able to have a childhood full of Bell's memories too. And thanks for the kind words!
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