Era: 1990s
Glow-in-the-Dark?: Yes
Place of Origin: Spencer Gifts
Rib Count: 2 (representational shapes)
Celebrity Look-alike:
Description: Not only is this the most functional skeleton on the countdown, capable of a wide range of puppeteered animation, it is also the most high-profile skeleton in the bunch thanks to his appearance in that famous 1997 "Da, Da, Da" Volkswagen commercial...

And for even more fun, have a go with this nifty online simulator that was inspired by the same world renowned skeleton.
Additional Info: While this is undoubtedly a cool toy, I remember having to shell out like, seven bucks for it during the commercial's heyday.
Cause of Death: Overdose of Farfegnugen
Rating: 9.3
I think that skeleton wants to give the world a hug.
Whatchyou talking about, Willis? I think he looks like Gary Coleman!
I think it looks like Willem DeFoe!
smurf- the world could sure use a skeleton hug.
todd- maybe so but skeleton 29 is already the Gary Coleman skeleton and it would really cause a stir if I had two. I mustn't upset the people on the internet. I hope you understand.
I have to go with Travis' Defoe here. I agree! (his face even looks scarred)
I think I was in a daze this afternoon and the voice of Gary Coleman was telling me to type that.
In honor of da-da-da, here is an excerpt of a poem by dadaist Richard Huelsenbeck:
hey – old pig: you've turned fifty but the high school
kids are still dreaming of you lots
They dream: you approach silently with the elastic cane
teaching their behinds what their heart desires...
todd- He speaks to you too?
cjd- and with that a new cultural high was reached on the Secret Fun Blog.
One that will not be reached again.
Wish you could have been here this weekend!
Me too. I hate missing the fun. It's depressing.
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