Let's continue to get some of the lesser skeletons out of the way so that the second half of the countdown will be a better experience, shall we? Here's another lackluster entry...
Era: 1980s
Glow-in-the-Dark?: No
Place of Origin: Unknown
Rib Count: 12
Celebrity Look-alike: One of those guys from Sesame Street that goes "yip, yip, yip, uh-huh."
Description: I would tell you that he's the second to smallest skeleton in the countdown, but if I get into all that then where will it ever end? What? Next do you want me to start reporting things like 'this one ranks number 28 in weight and 7th in white-ness?' I can't.. I just can't go there!!
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. It's just that seeing this skeleton's smug face just makes me so darn mad. It's that cocky head-tilt and the way he crosses his legs all nonchalant-like. And what could he possibly be so proud of? He doesn't even have a nose hole! Well.. there is one thing I suppose. He knows what it's like "on the other side." And that really gets my goat. I try to put him in his place with cheap shots like "Your hands look like unearthed tree roots!" or "My, that's some real nice unsightly excess plastic you've got hanging off your ribs there." But after about a half-hour of this I wipe the sweat from my brow only to I realize that as long as I'm alive I can never be as easygoing as he is, and he just smiles back as if to say.. "Gotcha again, big guy."
Additional Info: This is yet another mysterious stowaway in my collection. I have no recollection of his entrance into my life, I just know I've had him since I was a kid.
Cause of Death: Maxing and relaxing
Rating: 4.4
Assuming that you have Dollar General stores down your way, you should go check out their Halloween nodders. They're cheap, they light up, and their bases have their names crudely lettered on the side: "SKELETON", "MUMMY", and "PUMPKIN".(Actually, the pumpkin is boring, and I passed him by) They've also got little (9") blow-molded cartoony skeletons that are okay, with a really great mummy to match. After the Dollar Tree stuff and the new Universal Monsters jigglers, these are probably the best new junk this year so far. Actually, on further reflection, the electronic singing brains with mouths probably beat everything else, but they're kind of in a separate category.
Ha! thanks for the tip Devlin. We do have Dollar General in these parts (two within two miles). Those nodders sound great. I'm still needing the Universal jigglers too. The brain sounds terrifying.
this is certainly the worse skeleton thus far. I hope you have a better one in store for Friday the 13th.
what are these universal monsters jigglers of which you both speak?
They're from Imperial, in their "Life-Like" series, and are 6" jigglers of Frankenstein, the Bride, Dracula, The Wolfman, the Mummy, and the Creature. Outside of eBay, the only places I know of where they've been sighted are Walgreen's and Toys 'R' Us (who don't seem to have the Bride). Also, there are smaller keychain-size versions that I've only just tracked down at Eckerd Drugs. They're mighty nice. Say, Kirk...if you send me a mailing address, I just got a batch of really snappy bendy skeletons, and I figure you should have one.
Chuck- Thanks for reminding me of the 13th. That could influence my decision.
Those jigglers that Devlin described can be seen here too...
(I also just noticed that skeleton #24 is the one in the blue goo from target)
Devlin- that would be great, I'm always open to receiving skeletons in the mail! where do I send my address?
Oh, yeah...that would be devlin@spook-town.com. I suppose that would make this easier.
i'm pretty sure i had this one as a kid , dont remember from where , i assume a gumball machine, but i know i had him.
Hilarious post. I should not be reading these at work.
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