Hey folks! I'm sad to report that I've opted out of doing a Halloween countdown this year. If you like excuses I've got: computer woes that I'm recovering from, and a desire to soak in this season of spooks as opposed to the usual frenzy of October bloggery. But there's no call to completely abandon the Fun Blog this month as I do have a number of better-than-average posts in the hopper that I'm hoping to roll out soon. So despite this undoubtedly devastating news, I still wish you all the happiest of Halloweens!
Sorry you won't be in it this year... hopefully you'll be able to rejoin in '09!
Aww! Rats!
On the upside, I'm already looking forward to next years! Have a great October!
You'll be missed during the Halloween countdown. Looking forward to the hopper posts!
thanks jon, that's the plan.
megan- thanks, hopefully this will give me plenty of time to work up something extra cool.
todd- sheesh, with your double blogs you're definitely taking up the slack. Looking forward to seeing what you've whipped up.
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