Not that it's relevant to 99.9% of you, but I'm speaking at the art department of Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas on April 2nd. If you're an SHSU student popping in to check out the Secret Fun Blog then I heartily invite you to have a look around! The presentation will actually be a lot like this site– A lot of fun, mildly funny (or not), and chock full of pictures. (Averaging one image every 19.64 seconds!)
The talk will center around my own creative path, lessons learned along the way, and how totally confused I was when I was about to graduate. So if you are an SHSU art or media student in good standing, and you're up to date on your tuition, various fees (including parking tickets, etc.), and you wish to voluntarily spend an hour sitting in a classroom after regular class hours, then I hope to see you there!
Good luck with the presentation! Also, is that Hugo...man of 1,000 faces depicted on the poster?
thanks moremeat! Good eye too, that's definitely Hugo. I used him here because
1. he's probably my favorite toy ever and
2. In some ways I look like him
Definitely my favorite toy ever. I got more fun out of Hugo than ANY other.
Love the poster and Hugo has never looked so good! Good luck with your talk and maybe someone will post it on YouTube.
I heard you had a GREAT lecture prepared for your time in Tex@s!! I agree with Jamey that you ought to get that sucker into a design lecture loop of some kind. You have the gift of entertainment friend! And I know MY favorite kind of edumacations is that enertainin' knd! ;)
Thanks Todd and Shan, and thanks too to those of you who were there. The talk did indeed go great! I had a blast and the audience was soooooo cool. I couldn't have asked for more. I'll post about my trip at some point.
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