My apologies for the infrequent posts these last couple months. A combination of projects and wondrous Spring weather are keeping me away from the bloggery. On top of that, my office at my day job is moving to another locale. I'm already mourning the loss of my cubby of six years (seen above). I have a fresh new "work center" awaiting, though it looks suspiciously like a cubicle to me. Anyway I thought you might like to get a look at some of the stuff that released happy chemicals in my brain each time I glanced over at it. (The photo gets real big when you click it). Now get out of here you dumb old office.. go on...git! Don't you ever come back...I hate you! [sniff.]
My goodness, that's beautiful. I like that everything is meticulously organized, though. I do the same thing.
I'm using this photo as my desktop background. It makes me feel like I'm working at your desk instead of my own dull surroundings. It's like the workplace equivalent of one of those "Yuletide Log" videotapes.
That is a great office. I know. I've been there!
I'm doing the same thing. When people ask me if it's my Home Office, I'm going to totally lie to their faces.
Thanks for the picture! What a great work environment. I'm sorry you're moving to a cubicle. Share a pic of the new office digs when it's all set up.
Nice! Lots of pictures! Love your blog!
Oh yeah the working environment... real cool!
You could very well have the most interesting "work station" of all time.
cdp and flashfink- unfortunately, now I too have to make it a desktop background and tell folks it's my home office.
awg- that you have my friend.
max- hey, thanks. I took your advice and upped a pic of my new spot.
Glad to hear it nastasshes! You've got some fun on your blog too I see.
Dash- I thank thee, and I sure miss the original. Hilarious blog name by the way! LOL
Just found your site. Very cool. Sorry you have to move your office as it seems very well put together.
I know you like to keep everything in the box. I understand this but I have to say, why have you not grown the Mr T. Chia Pet? That is the coolest thing I've ever seen.
Hey thanks CB.
While I'm not a "mint in box" obsessive, I just haven't been able to bring myself to crack open Chia Mr. T. (Though he has beckoned me on many occasions.) I'm saving him for when I get trapped in my office building and my survival depends on eating his mohawk.
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