October 01, 2012


Adam Dougherty aka The KreatureKid created a set of unbelievable resin models based on the esteemed Topstone brand monster masks that were available in Famous Monsters of Filmland among other places. These have been out for over a year but they're still well worth celebrating. Dougherty not only imagined appropriate bodies to go with the familiar faces, he turned the creatures loose on Halloween night where trick or treaters must contend with them. The kids themselves are decked out in fantastic costumes from yesteryear and details such as the Hamilton's Invaders helmet, the creature costume and the trick or treat bag are spot-on recreations of the real thing.  It's rare to see the essence of the holiday so perfectly captured.

See many more amazing photos HERE.  I doubt any are still available, but more info can be found HERE.

Oh yeah, Dougherty also created a larger than life size version of the Shock Monster.


  1. Good gracious. These are so phenomenal.

  2. Fantastic works!!!

  3. I knew you guys would like these. :)

  4. My wife and I had the vendor table next to Adam in the first few photos (you can see our rope-light display in the background). The kits really were amazing for such a young talent.
