October 02, 2012


The enjoyable image seen above is the entire marketing campaign for a sound effects record called The Haunting, a mail-order exclusive released in 1971 by an enigmatic company called The Gayle House. The outreaching specter in the ad is a child-devouring Blood Banshee, the record's antagonist and a rare example of a creature-ghost hybrid. I'm delighted to learn (via Scarstuff) that recently the fabled spook has been adapted into a highly accurate latex mask by independent mask maker, The Devil's Workshop...

For more information check out Devils-Workshop.com.

If you care to listen to the blue-faced one feast on a room full of kids then sit back and enjoy...


  1. I remember seeing the ad in comics but never ordered it.I did order The "seven Foot Monster"with Haunt a house kit from Boys Life.Best 35 cents I ever spent(At least I think it was 35 cents)Was this record ever offered with a bonus gift(Fangs,rubber bat, etc.)?Glad to see ya back blogging,Kirk.

  2. Things perk up around here at Halloween, don't they? I got to checking once a week and then the motherload.

    This was an interesting record, you either had this, the Pickwick one, or the Disney one, or some combination. There was also a 4th one with a cartoon-y cover I can't remember.

  3. This is true .I still own Sounds to make you Shiver and Haunted Mansion. I generally wanted to order everything I saw in ads,but my folks were like "how many do you need,anyway?"2 out of 3:not bad at all!After finally hearing this thing I think I would have been disappointed in comparison to the other two.However the concept and images compensate for that.This new mask should have been offered with the original product .At ,say 5 dollars +S&H, they would have made a fortune!

  4. Haunted Headfull- I've never seen it offered with a bonus, but it's possible.
    Packaging a mask with it would have been a brilliant move!
    (Sounds to make you shiver and HM are among my favorites)

    Biran- One of these years I'll do another official Halloween countdown.
    Are you talking about Ghostly Sounds on the Peter Pan label?
    I've made it a point to listed to a number of Halloween LPs this year.

  5. The stake! The stake! Give me the stake! Who would have thought that after seeing this ad so many times as a kid, I'd finally be able to hear the record via computer decades later. Thanks for posting.

    As for halloween records, for me nothing beats Great Ghost Stories; that golden arm...brrrrr.
