December 03, 2008


Just in case you missed this on Boing Boing, artist Shag has created 13 astonishing new pieces inspired by Disneyland's Haunted Mansion! See the full story here.

Another wonderful case of two things I love intersecting...

See the rest here.


  1. Ooh, this right my alley! Thanks for the heads-up, 7-Up!!

  2. i love the way those are done. the style is so great. have you ever checked out pascal blanchet?
    i have his graphic novel "white rapids" and it's absolutely beautiful.

  3. Thanks, Kirk. I'd only ever seen his interpretation of the attraction poster.

    My biggest regret from when I lived in L.A., is not buying one of Shag's paintings for a mere $350.00. I don't think you can even get one of his prints for that little now.

    The sad thing is it was all because of indecision between three paintings I liked. By the time I thought about it and went back the next day, they were all snapped up.

  4. I own a signed and numbered Shag print that I bought before he was so big. It's this one. I'm not gonna say what I paid for it (I doubt anybody would believe me anyway), but suffice it to say that it was nowhere near $700. Nowhere. Near.

    I love the Haunted Mansion pieces. How wonderful!

  5. Oh my GAWD this stuff makes me happy. I am going to Disney World next week, and my girls don't like Haunted stuff, so I am a bit screwed.

    My partner and I are working on redesigning the MONSTERS CEREALS, Chocula etc. (I did the character redesign that are on the boxes now)

    But now that I have seen this I am pretty embarrassed. But I will drop my link here, since I am totally going to link this page to my site.

    go to

  6. GalÄn-
    What a wonderful piece of culture to be a part of! I shall watch your site with great interest. Thy link is reciprocated.
