November 28, 2008


The value of my life just skyrocketed because I am now a certified member of the Spümcø Secret Membership Lodge!! Thanks to this recent post, a thoughtful Fun Blog reader who's employed with the beloved dream factory of animation was kind enough to grant me access into their warm, gooey embrace.

First I'd like to divulge some of my new entitlements...

Wait! I shouldn't have done that. Since I've already got a beating coming, I may as well show you more of my documentation.

I love that my name was written with the same red pen that Jimmy the Idiot signed his name with on the card. At least I hope he used a pen.

Now I can throw out the wallet photos of my wife and kid, and replace them with these nifty pics of the Spümcø gang.

And I got two of these wonderful pinback buttons; one for each nipple I assume.

If you really want in, maybe you could track down a Spümcø publication and mail away the coupon that you find in the back (plus a finski), or you could even see if this one will work...

I was also sent a "too-hot-for-fun-spot" xerox of an infamous Jon K. penned parody of The Flintstones (though I'm told he denies it.) If you really have to see it, google image search "Cave Nudes" without a filter.

Well, I am truly thankful for this honor, and it proves once again that Secret Fun Readers are the wonderfullest. Now I'm off to proudly leave the toilet seat up!


  1. I joined up in '96. I received two membership kits in the mail (don't tell anybody at Spumco!)plus a bunch of Palmer Paints/Spumco ad slicks. Not sure if I should be jealous or thankful I didn't get the Cave Nudes strip...

    Too bad the Lodge isn't officially up and running. We need to all meet and measure our craniums.

    Brian O.

  2. I am truly envious of your honor. I see you have a picture of a Ripping Friend. Oh how I miss the glorius Ripping Friends. A show that truly ended before it's time.

    Chris S.

  3. Some hot women in lab coats will be coming by unannounced to pinch your guts out.
