October 13, 2012


During my latest trip to LA I visited the Playland Arcade at the Santa Monica Pier for the first time. The first game I encountered was a life-size, western-themed shooting gallery. Instinctively, I took a snap shot, and at that very moment the entire scene erupted with motion and sound. It took me a second to figure out that my flash had simultaneously set off every light-sensitive target in the gallery! Another photo (seen above) confirmed my theory. We got a video of my grand discovery as the staff was making their way over to put an end to my winning streak. Here's the video...


  1. That's awesome! I would never think of that.

  2. That's the same trick kids used to do with the old nintendo zapper; it worked off the same principle, and aiming the zapper at a light would basically give you a perfect score.

    I'm betting you had some pretty peeved employees descending down upon you!

    BTW, nothing says "old west" like acoustic tile.

  3. Dex- A shame it doesn't work at all shooting galleries. I tried it a week later at one in a Ripley's museum and nothing.

    Brian- I'll have to see if I can cheat my nintendo next time I hook it up!

    Yeah the gallery isn't quite up to Disney standards to say the least. I wondered how often the employees had to address this, but then I remembered that most of the population couldn't care less about capturing a shooting gallery on film.

  4. They had an absolutely enormous shooting gallery of this type in the Joplin, MO mall, at least in the early 2000s. I don't know if it's still there or not.

  5. )))((((((
    [_____]---{Crack-O & Oxmixx}
