October 12, 2011


I've blogged numerous times about the defunct dark ride, the Phantasmagoria, formerly of Bell's Amusement Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but this may be my final post. Though a scaled down version of the park recently reopened, the pieces of the beloved dark ride are being sold off.

However, if you happen to be a Phataz enthusiast with money to burn, you have one last chance to own a piece of Tulsa history. Some of the props will be for sale at the Vintage Tulsa Show this weekend at the SpiritBank Event Center. For more information see their web site.

Here are some of the items that will be there...

UPDATE: Here are a couple pics from the show thanks to Kelly Scott...


  1. Thanks for the tip. My friend and I went and said goodbye, touched the Phantaz cars, took a photo with the coffin guy... all of it was sold by the time we got there, and we couldn't have afforded it anyway ($795 for each of the cars), but it was nice to see those physical reminders many youthful hours spent loitering at Bell's. :-)

  2. Ugg. This make me sad.
