October 12, 2011


After five years of development, and dreaming about it long before that, my new book Mail-Order Mysteries is finally available nationwide in bookstores and online! The delays are over and it's officially in stock on Amazon. That fine lookin' video up there is the official book trailer, I'm incredibly thankful to my friend Scott Kinney for producing it.

I've been blessed with loads of great press and even more to come. It was featured in a story on Huffington Post, it inspired an article in the New York Post, and got a mention on io9.com.

While you're waiting for your copy to arrive, feel free to read the interview I did for WIRED GeekDad, or you can hear me talk about it on BoingBoing.net's Gweek podcast.

And here are some sweet blurbs...

"If childhood disappointment could ever be considered an art form, then Mail-Order Mysteries is a masterpiece. Really. The metaphors for life itself are inescapable, the disillusion heartbreakingly laid bare, the tackiness a drug you just can't quit."
- Chip Kidd, graphic designer and author of Bat-Manga!

“If I could put one thing in a time machine to send back to my eight-year-old self, it would be Mail-Order Mysteries. This book would have saved me dozens of allowances and hundreds of glacial hours spent standing on the porch waiting for the mailman to arrive. I always knew there was something fishy about those ‘Gigantic Dinosaurs!’”
—Mark Waid, writer of Kingdom Come and Irredeemable

“Mail-Order Mysteries reveals the secrets behind those too-good-to-be-true gizmos advertised in the comic books of my youth. What a mind-blower!”
—Mark Frauenfelder, cofounder of Boing Boing

Unlike most of the items it showcases, Mail-Order Mysteries delivers the goods.
John Booth, WIRED GeekDad

"It is...genius." —NeedCoffee.com

"just as magical and weird as the goods it chronicles."
—Comics Worth Reading

"Anyone who loves old comics both for the comics and the ads will have a great time reading this one."
—Comics Bulliten

What was that Amazon link again? oh, yeah, HERE IT IS!


  1. It was delivered into my grubby little hands this past week and I've read through it twice. Seriously. Great job on the book, and the design is fantastic. Will be giving it a shout out on Branded soon...

  2. Very cool and nice work on getting your book together.

    I do book reviews on my website.

    Hit me up if you would like to send me a book for review.


  3. Hi Kirk,

    I spent a happy day reading your mail order mysteries book today. Really love it. So much so that I have put a review of it on my blog:
    I hope you sell loads!
    all the best,

  4. Nick-
    Thanks for the great review! So glad you enjoyed it so much and it sounds like you had the perfect day for it.
