August 14, 2011


The first time I visited the Strange Kids Club I took one look at the wood paneled background with the collage of posters behind the cool looking puppet and thought.."my people." Inevitably our paths crossed and I recently had the pleasure of doing an interview with Editor-in-Chief, Rondall Scott III. In it I discuss my usual passions: collecting, nostalgia, art, novelties and being a strange kid. Click on this line of text and the contents of your browser will literally change into the page with the interview.


  1. Good thing I clicked over to that Strange Kids Club interview or I wouldn't have known about your new book coming out (how the heck did I miss this?) Pre-ordered at Amazon. Can't wait.

  2. Brother Bill,
    Thanks for the pre-order!!

    It's all my fault that you didn't know. As you can see I've tried to change my ways by adding a post about it. But I'm just getting started so by the time it comes out you may be tired of hearing me go on about it.
