August 09, 2010


As if you needed another reason to visit Branson, Missouri, this season marks the debut of a giant King Kong appearing atop the Hollywood Wax Museum. I, for one, welcome our new primate overlord. Thanks to the traffic-choked highway 76 passerbys have the opportunity to study the sculpture from all angles for at least ten minutes at at time.

But if you long for a taste of "Silver Age" Branson (1995-2005) you can venture to the neighborhood directly behind the museum to find the back porch that houses the former "have your photo taken in King Kong's hand" prop. But don't despair, the Kong photo-op has been updated to appeal to today's more sophisticated novelty photo connoisseurs.


  1. I'm sure that would scare the trick or treaters on Halloween! Did you ask if it was for sale?

  2. I am still in the planning process for building a lifesize Kong for my Monster Cafe in Saltillo Mexico. I don´t have enough money as of yet but someday he will be done. It will be the talk of the town. Thanks for posting this!

  3. Finally! A reason to go to Branson, Missouri!

  4. Is it a bad sign that I can recognize a subtle and retooled Simpsons quote in your post?

    "I, for one, welcome our new primate overlord."

    Careful—they're ruffled!

  5. King Kong over Branson, Missouri ... love it!

  6. Todd- That didn't even occur to me. What have I become?

    Matthew- That would be awesome. and yes I still need to post pics of your place!

    Blalock- what do you mean finally? Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede has been open for years.

    Travis- That is a beautiful thing. What good would they be if nobody noticed them. Thanks!

    Toemailer- It is lovable if anything every was.
