April 12, 2009



  1. In that first package, is the girl afraid of the rubber trick animals or the BLACK SKELETON that's stalking her?

  2. Are you going to be able to keep this up for the next two weeks? With no verbage on this one, I am begining to worry. :)

  3. david- Heh, quite possibly. I also have a theory that the animals are the skeleton's minions. So he wins no matter who brings the girl down.

    anonymous- Even if I'm attacked by a giant black skeleton the April prank showcase will go on. Every day is already loaded up with a photo and scheduled to auto-post. However, the text is on a "do I have the time?" basis. That's why I never promised any in the intro- a genius loophole on my behalf. bwa hahaha.

  4. I LOVE the graphic on the card with the trick animals - Skeletons are one of my favorite animals...

    and the white mouse graphic... i wonder why the guy is in a hole... and why it looks like he wants to eat the mouse!


  5. jerry-
    Great observation, I didn't even catch the hole. I love baffling artistic choices.

  6. I also noticed that the little girl on this one (who is maybe tripping over a fold in the card itself?) has claw fingers also! She also has stink lines(?) coming from her foot and hand? - or are they nervous lines?

