April 20, 2009


The Floor Penny alone just wasn't doing it for me. Then it occurred to me to add the Worm to this post. Ah, sweet perfection. You've done it again Demarais.


  1. You know, I would probably fall for that penny one because it is BIGGER THAN MY HEAD. I mean, who can resist a shiny piece of Lincoln goodness that doesn't fit into your pocket? Certainly not me!

  2. The penny is funny, would be better if the nail has a head itself made like a penny

  3. "You know, I would probably fall for that penny one because it is BIGGER THAN MY HEAD. I mean, who can resist a shiny piece of Lincoln goodness that doesn't fit into your pocket? Certainly not me!"

    Well, people were much shorter back then. Pennies could be hurled as protection against marauding squirrels, so you'd gladly risk a brain-hemorrhage to pick one up.

    And who wouldn't be horrified to find a snake-sized worm in their vat of table sugar?

  4. I had this nail trick too but the top was a nickel! That makes the trick 5 times better. How hard will you work just to pick up a penny?

    When my mom saw it she said, you better not nail that into any of the floors here! So it stayed in a drawer where I would look at it and think how awesome it would be if I could actually nail it somewhere.

    Epilogue: Years later I got a nickle Sticker that I put on the laundry room floor...ah the hilarity!


  5. I just wonder what the statistical probabilities of finding an earthworm in a sugar bowl are. Not a fake one, but a real one. Just wondering.

  6. Wow, I've never seen one of those "nail coins" before.

    Though I used to make my own back in the day...all you needed was a tube of superglue and a quarter. Heheh.

    So much fun. :D
