October 20, 2007


Spooky can make anything better, including my favorite childhood periodicals. Behold three quick covers of magazines that I've practically memorized...


  1. I like your term "feariodicals"! It could even be "fearioddicals"!

    Never had heard of "Playmate" before. Wonder if it had a centerfold...I can just see an unclothed Barney the Dinosaur pullout...

  2. Lame, only in the sense that you beat me to posting that Dynamite cover! Great posts of late, sir.

  3. It's funny...CHILDREN'S PLAYMATE seems to have looked about 10 years out of date at any given point in its history (though a check of their website shows that the current issue looks more like 20 years out of date). I've got a batch of issues from the '60s with nice Bill (KATY KEENE) Woggon art (as well as the issue that features Art Spiegelman's first national publication),and in that context he hardly seems mannered and old-fashioned at all, by comparison. Oh, and you might be pleased to know that they're still using that exact same logo (which replaced its even more archaic predecessor in the mid to late '60s). Hooray for atavisms!

  4. I loved both Dynamite *and* Children's Playmate! The latter always did great Halloween issues.

  5. Max- how true. Certainly Famous Monsters beat me to both of those many decades ago.

    Rozum- And I was beat by Plastic Pumpkins. Todd at Neatocoolville also told me he was going to post it too. That issue must turn kids into blogging monster lovers.

    Devlin- Thanks for the great trivia. Playmate was the first magazine I ever had a subscription to. (second was Ranger Rick) You're right, I am glad about the logo!

    dane- yeah, those are like the Jack and Jills of the next generation.
