April 15, 2009


This one gets extra points for the hand lettered logo! However, there's a point deduction for constructing it out of duck feet. Oh, I see, those are teeth– extra points for incorporating teeth in the logo! Points revoked for not consulting any visual reference for the teeth. Points gained for inventive packaging! A couple more points for thick eyelashes! Uh-oh, points taken away for freaky looking hair on left side and uneven cheek bones. Still more points deducted for coming out in 1982. Well it is a Franco-American product but I can't decide if that's a point gain or loss. Hmmmm. So let's see here.. calculating .. carry the one... Crazy Teeth has a total of 27 points! Great job! I think.


  1. Oh man, sabermetrics for pranks! Now that is math I can get behind...

  2. In the small redneck town I grew up in here in Arkansas, half the population would be proud to have a full set of teeth like this.

  3. God, that is one scary graphics job. Boooooo!!

  4. This appears to be a set of teeth that are worn by placing a plastic bridge between the upper lip and upper gum. I had a set of "buck teeth" that were worn using the same technology. They were difficult to keep in a natural looking position and I was unable to talk very well while wearing them. Therefore, they were not worn often and I resorted back to my plastic vampire teeth, which glowed in the dark.

  5. Those teeth look like the left over bits from the factory where they make Operation game pieces. SO REAL!!

  6. Did you utilize a Debits and Credits column to come to your point total? - James
