January 11, 2009


I'm weeks late in posting this, but I'm still jazzed to the extreme that the much celebrated animator and artist PES gave my S.S. Adams book a rave review on the much celebrated animation and art site Cartoon Brew.

You may recognize Cartoon Brew from my blog roll over on the right; it's a longtime favorite landing of mine. And you may recognize PES's work on this über-popular film, Western Spaghetti...

And for further reason to love him check out Game Over...

As a major fan of both this filmmaker and this site, to be a part of their convergence feels like being a volleyball at a beach resort for the gods.


  1. oh man, thank you so much for posting those PES videos. i absolutely love his work but hadn't seen those. i own seasons 1 & 2 of the animation show, and he has some stuff on there.

  2. That was awesome! I especially loved the Pac-Man sequence at the end.
